Monday, February 8, 2010

Where did Mike Huckabee go wrong with his campaign?

That man is absolutely genuine, honest and sincere. You rarely find that with any politician. Maybe some people were creeped out by his strong religious convictions.Where did Mike Huckabee go wrong with his campaign?
It was actually a very good thing. He started out a virtual unknown, and now is a household name. His career will be moving along much quicker now after the election run than before. While I was hoping to see a underdog win pulled off, I hope to be seeing him again in the future.Where did Mike Huckabee go wrong with his campaign?
Nowhere. I honestly am surprised why McCain won the Republican nomination instead of Huckabee. In my opinion Huckabee is ten times better!

I hope that Huckabee will at least be McCain's VP!

Also, hopefully Huckabee will run for President again in the future.
I guess that was the problem...
i think the fact that he didn't believe in evolution made people think he was retarded
Some of his remarks to Christian groups were hard to overcome. Unfortunately for Huckabee he wasn't able to show himself as a superior choice to Romeny. He also didn't have as much money as Romney or McCain.
He didn't raise any money or put together any organization
Strong convictions are hard in General- Look at Ron Paul. The thing is, this sucks since That's what I look for in a candidate. However, the tax thing and Illegal immigrant thing hurt him as well. I think McCain getting the nomination is a fluke. If Rudy had not ignored the early states there might have been a different outcome.
I'm one who is creeped out by his strong religious convictions.
I'm not really sure that he did go wrong, I just don't think he had the support that he needed.
We weren't creeped out by him being religous - we were creeped out by him saying he was going to base law on his 19th century religous beliefs.

That and a tax policy based on thoroughly debunked numbers.
The success in Iowa had the small staff around him - and Huckabee - thinking big and they erred in hiring Ed Rollins as a senior advisor, who has been living off of being one of many advisors/pollsters involved in Ronald Reagan's 1980 presidential victory.

Those financial resources could have been better-used and the campaign simply got caught up in the idea of needing to scramble onto the national stage through more conventional means. Any ';outsider'; campaign will lose steam when an ultimate insider sits down at the table.
The main reason he lost is that he split the conservative vote with Romney -- leaving the moderate and liberal Repubs to McCain. With the Dem and Independent crossovers (the first operation chaos) McCain just had more support. This became critical in the winner takes all Republican primary.

It should also be noted that Huckabee did not have a strong conservative record as Governor with 100s of tax and fee increases and numerous compromises with Democrats that some considered unprinicpalled. Mostly, he chose to be a populist and dump on free trade, Wall Street and free markets. As a result, he alienated fiscal and foreign polict conservatives by pandering primarily to social conservatives.
He was and is out of though with the great majority of the AMERICAN people.
Mitt Romney was better than him, he understood seperation from church and state, Mike Huckabee did not. Huckabee also raised taxes in his state, and Republicans are either supposed to keep taxes the same, or lower it. After defending Rev. Wright, his political future just died, the Republicans won't vote for him next time around if he runs again.
He just didnt have the money to run a proper campaign i personnaly liked him best of any of em maybe he will be Mcains running mate
Actually, it's hard to point to anything that Huckabee did wrong. His problem was the way that the cards played out.

In Iowa, Fred Thompson narrowly took third place over McCain. But for that result, Thompson might have dropped out after New Hampshire.

If Fred Thompson withdraws, Huckabee might have gotten a narrow win over McCain in South Carolina. McCain's win in South Carolina killed Guiliani in Flordia and the Northeast and allowed McCain to get narrow wins in Missouri and Oklahoma and reduced Huckabee's margin in states like Lousiana, Georgia, and Alabama. If you give South Carolina, Oklahoma, and Missouri to Huckabee (as well as a couple more delegates from Georgia and Alabama and the delegates from Louisiana) and give Florida and some additional delegates from California to Romney, you would have had an entirely different race in February.

Aside from the bad luck of Thompson not dropping out sooner, Huckabee's other big problem is that his history made him the third or fourth choice of economic conservatives. In addition, while he became the leader among social conservatives, he was not able to completely unify that group behind him. It's unclear what a candidate who had never run before could have done to get himself in a better position.

Obviously, his religious beliefs and convictions lead him to support policies that about half of the Republican Party would rather not be adopted (though they welcome the votes of those who feel like Huckabee). But, under the right circumstance, it is possible for a candidate with Huckabee's positions to be nominated (just like it was possible for McCain to get nominated over the opposition of the majority of the Republican Party).

The bottom line, however, is that the winner-take-all nature of the Republican nomination system places a lot of weight on when particular candidates with significant but insufficient support decide to drop out of the race. Fred Thompson stayed in the race one week too long for Huckabee.
I was defiantly creeped out with his religious convictions.He was a little to christian for me.
Mike seems to be a nice guy.

He is more genuine and honest than any Rep candidates.

However, he lost me when I heard he was willing to change the Constitution in line with Bible.

History teaches us that the Middle Ages in which the religious were in power was one of the darkest moment in human history. The genius of our founding fathers lies with the realization of this fact. They wisely separated the church from the states.

Also, I became suspicious when I saw a video clip showing Mike pretending to get a phone call from Jesus.

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