Friday, February 12, 2010

Is the McCain Campaign once again being Childish and dismisive of all the people that fought and died ?

This is far more than just about Obama, this country has not gotten to this point easily, people of all races struggled through sometimes violent opposition to help this nation get closer to a nation excepting of all Americans not just the few. Childish Mocking is disrespectful, and dishonorable.Is the McCain Campaign once again being Childish and dismisive of all the people that fought and died ?
I think in their minds, the troops whether they lived, or died were doing their job and if they died, they died for preserving freedom in this country. They see them as hero's who partiotically seved their country.

I too, see them as heros's, but were sent to war only to preserve oil for this country and to get Saddam in retaliation for him trying to assasinate Bush 1. You can't shove democrasy down the throats of people who have never had it and have asked us to leave it. These tribal wars have been going on for decades and as soon as we do leave, it will be business as usual. The only reason the violence went down during the surge is because we paid the insurgents to work with us.

Bush knew there were no WMD and also knew they were not a threat to this country. He lied and manipulated the people of this country and Congress into believing we had to go to Iraq.

I have no doubt he had no intention of finding Bin Laden. By turning his back on Afghanistan and allowing Bin Laden to remain free, he had his ammunition for scare tactics and his ridiculous color coded terrorists alerts to keep us thinking we were in danger.

The entire Bush administration are criminals and shouldn't be allowed to walk away scott free after what they've done to the people of this country and how in reality have only made us more hated and have put us in more danger of future attacks, as well as Europe and all western countries.

I've heard after we have a Democratic President and a real majority in Congress, that there will be hearings on their criminal activities. I only want to them arrested, tried and convicted and have their lives taken away from them as they have taken away ours.

McCain will only give us more war and new conflicts, as war is all he knows, will continue the hatred the world feels for this country. If he wins, the U.S. loses as does the rest of the world. Is the McCain Campaign once again being Childish and dismisive of all the people that fought and died ?
SOURCE! Where's your source?

This isn't a question, is it? Most Dems are against the military, talk about being disrespectful of those that FOUGHT AND DIED to make this country great. How about Obama plastering his icon over the flag? Talk about disrespect!
It has come to be what I expect from the Republicans. It makes me sad. I had hoped John McCain would take the high road. I HAD a lot of respect for him. He has lost all of that by playing the Carl Rove playbook.
What the hell are you spouting off about? Makes absolutely no sense. Dismissive of all the people that fought and died? Give me a break.

That is probably one of the stupidist comments made recently!!!!!
McCain campaign has no substance. I feel bad for the poor old guy. He is going to suffer a lot till Nov 4th, then he will disappear in to obscurity.
Remember; when you point the finger at one person, you've got three pointing back at your self. That's what the Obama people fail to grasp!
And putting up a greek god temple for attention isn't childish how?

McCain/Romney 08!
You lost me completely.
They have nothing else.
yup, what do they care, they're rich...their kids will never see battle or struggle

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