Friday, February 12, 2010

Are the latest articles about Sarah Palin hurting McCain's campaign an indication that Obama is in trouble?

If Obama is so far ahead in the polls, why would the media have to pull out desperate measures like this? Thoughts?Are the latest articles about Sarah Palin hurting McCain's campaign an indication that Obama is in trouble?
It does seem like the media is reporting a lot about problems with McCain and Palin. But it seems like they never say anything bad about Obama

There is actually a lawsuit going on right now to force Obama to provide his birth certificate. The lawsuit is by a democrat by the way. Some think that Obama wasn't really born in the US. Some think he was born in Kenya which would make him ineligible to be president. But Obama for some reason will not provide his birth certificate. And now all of a sudden he is traveling back to Hawaii.

But I haven't heard anything about this in the mainstream mediaAre the latest articles about Sarah Palin hurting McCain's campaign an indication that Obama is in trouble?
No, Obama is NOT in trouble, he ha a nice healthy lead, and Palin has effectively and irrevocably sunk the SS McCain, she is the worst pick he could possible have made and he would have had this election in the bag if he had gone with anyone else; she did him in totally. NO ONE wants that broad setting foot anywhere near the White House; she has done more to help the democrats than anything else.
I think this is a way for Obama to try and hurt McCain, he could not find any dirt on the war hero, so he is going against his running mate. I thought children of candidates were off limits, that was until Palin's daughter got pregnant and they dug up her boyfriends my space-- how low! I also think the media wants us to believe their polls, but I don't know anyone who answered a poll. They are playing us for fools thinking McCain followers will be discouraged and think he has no chance and not go vote. I hope all the Obama followers will do what Obama did not vote yes or no just vote ';Present';!

Oh and Madonna is for Obama--then why does she live in England!
I don't see what one has to do with the other. If Palin hurts McCain's campaign, that would be better for Obama. Not that he's going to lose anyway...nobody wants George Bush's loyal puppydog and his freak show Palin in office. Nobody that knows what they're talking about, anyway...
Obama has nothing to do with Sarah Palin's and John McCain's problems. Obama is doing very well, a lot better than they are. Sarah Palin, is her own worse enemy everytime she opens her mouth it gets reported.
They get that information from polling, so why would they be helping Obama? It's the Republicans that are desperate, not the Democrats.

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